1992 16 Cover Particle System Modeling Animation and Physically Based Techniques

“Particle System Modeling Animation and Physically Based Techniques” by House, Breen, Haumann, Reeves and Tonnesen

1992 14 Cover The OpenGL Graphics Interface

“The OpenGL Graphics Interface” by Rost, Akeley, Segal, Vepstas and Woo

1992 23 Cover Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques

“Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques” by Ebert, Musgrave, Peachey and Perlin

1992 21 Cover Writing Renderman Shaders

“Writing Renderman Shaders” by Apodaca, Peachey, Porter, Sayre and Smyrl

1992 19 Cover An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling

“An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling” by Witkin, Kass, Barr and Baraff

1992 17 Cover Advanced Techniques in Human Modeling Animation and Rendering

“Advanced Techniques in Human Modeling Animation and Rendering” by Thalmann, Badler, Terzopoulos and Magnenat-Thalmann

1992 15 Cover Curve and Surface Design From Geometry to Applications

“Curve and Surface Design: From Geometry to Applications” by Rockwood, Foley, Hagen and Nielson

1992 13 Cover Causes and Cures of Performance Anxiety in Graphic Systems

“Causes and Cures of Performance Anxiety in Graphic Systems” by McGinnis, Maillot, Cooper, Sproull and Weiler

1992 12 Cover Fractals From Folk Art to Hyperreality

“Fractals: From Folk Art to Hyperreality” Chaired by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz

1992 11 Cover Radiosity

“Radiosity” by Cohen, Campbell, Greenberg, Hanrahan, Rushmeier, et al. …

1992 10 Cover Color Theory and Models For Computer Graphics Visualization

“Color Theory and Models For Computer Graphics Visualization” by Levkowitz, Robertson and Rogowitz

1992 09 Cover Implementation of Immersive Virtual Environments

“Implementation of Immersive Virtual Environments” by Bryson, Blanchard, Bricken, Hitchner, Jacoby, et al. …

1992 08 Cover Introduction to Volume Visualization

“Introduction to Volume Visualization” by Kaufman, Dyer, Lorensen, Zandt and Yagel

1992 07 Cover Distributed Scientific Visualization on High Performance Networks

“Distributed Scientific Visualization on High Performance Networks” by Catlett, Terstriep, Hibbard, Moran and Norman

1992 06 Cover HDTV Architectures from a Computer Graphics Perspective

“HDTV Architectures from a Computer Graphics Perspective” by Demos, Gerovac, Clark and Gish

1992 05 Cover Graphic Design for User Interfaces

“Graphic Design for User Interfaces” by Marcus, Galle and Letz

1992 04 Cover Video Technology for Computer Graphics

“Video Technology for Computer Graphics” by Winkler

1992 03 Cover Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics

“Interactive Multimedia Authoring and Publishing” by Lathrop, Fichera, Machover and Badler

1992 02 Cover Interactive Multimedia Authoring and Publishing

“Interactive Multimedia Authoring and Publishing” by Grebe, Warnick, Yapkowitz, Phillips, Rispin, et al. …

1992 01 Cover Introduction to Scientific Visualization Tools and Techniques

“Introduction to Scientific Visualization Tools and Techniques” by Hansen, Yarmarkovich, Elvins, Gelberg, Krogh, et al. …

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