2001 41 Course Cover How to Give a Great SIGGRAPH Talk

“How to Give a Great SIGGRAPH Talk” by Poynton, Blinn, Glassner and Morris

2001 40 Course Cover Practical Parallel Processing for Today_s Rendering Challenges

“Practical Parallel Processing for Today’s Rendering Challenges” Chaired by Alan Chalmers and Timothy Davis

2001 39 Course Cover 3D Hardcopy Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models

“3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models” by McMains, Séquin and Crawford

2001 38 Course Cover A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping

“A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping” by Jensen, Christensen and Suykens

2001 37 Course Cover Commodity Based Scalable Visualization

“Commodity-Based Scalable Visualization” by Heirich, McPherson, Pavlakos, Eldridge, Humphreys, et al. …

2001 36 Course Cover From Ivory Tower to Silver Screen

“From Ivory Tower to Silver Screen: Visual Effects Companies Reveal How Research and Development Finds its Way Into Production” by Smolin, Hogarth, Chen, Engle, Redd, et al. …

2001 35 Course Cover The Technology and Practice of Digital Cinema

“The Technology and Practice of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)” by Poynton, Harrison, Kerlow, Meyers, Ramamurthy, et al. …

2001 34 Course Cover User Interface Design for Work Home and on the Way

“User-Interface Design for Work, Home, and on the Way” by Marcus, Ball, Chen, Guan and Kochavi

2001 33 Course Cover New Directions in Shape Representations

“New Directions in Shape Representations” by Pfister, Rockwood, Frisken, Perry, Gross, et al. …

2001 32 Course Cover Nonphotorealistic Rendering in Scientific Visualization

“Nonphotorealistic Rendering in Scientific Visualization” by Healey, Interrante, Kremers, Laidlaw and Rheingans

2001 31 Course Cover Computer Graphics for Large Scale Immersive Theaters

“Computer Graphics for Large-Scale Immersive Theaters” by Lantz, Emmart, Thompson, Ratcliffe and Shedd

2001 30 Course Cover Visibility Problems Techniques and Applications

“Visibility, Problems, Techniques, and Applications” by Cohen-Or, Chrysanthou, Koltun, Durand, Greene, et al. …

2001 29 Course Cover State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis

“State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis” by Jensen, Arvo, Fajardo, Hanrahan, Mitchell, et al. …

2001 28 Course Cover Introduction to Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Glassner

2001 27 Course Cover Augmented Reality

“Augmented Reality: The Interface is Everywhere” by Schmalstieg, Billinghurst, Azuma, Höllerer, Kato, et al. …

2001 26 Course Cover Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics

“Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks, Supporting Collaboration, and Stepping up to Wireless Connectivity” by Rhyne, Barton, Brutzman, Day and Macedonia

2001 25 Course Cover Physically Based Modeling

“Physically Based Modeling” by Witkin, Baraff and Kass

2001 24 Course Cover Real Time Shading

“Real-Time Shading” by Olano, Hart, Heidrich, Lindholm, McCool, et al. …

2001 23 Course Cover Motion Dynamics Animation Workshop

“Motion Dynamics Animation Workshop” by O’Rourke

2001 22 Course Cover Intro to SMIL

“Intro to SMIL” by Barshatzky

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