2003 Course Cover 31 NURBS Non Uniform Rational B Splines

“NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines): A Primer” by Rogers

2003 Course Cover 30 Building Physical Interfaces

“Building Physical Interfaces: Making Computer Graphics Interactive” by Lawson and Forman

2003 Course Cover 29 Clothing Simulation and Animation

“Clothing Simulation and Animation” by Ko, Breen, Fedkiw, Hauth and House

2003 Course Cover 28 Post Linear Digital Video Editing, Transcoding, and Content Distribution

“Post-Linear Digital Video: Editing, Transcoding, and Content Distribution” by Waite and Hoffert

2003 Course Cover 27 Global Illumination for Interactive Applications and High Quality Animations

“Global Illumination for Interactive Applications and High-Quality Animations” by Damez, Slusallek, Christensen, Myszkowski, Wald, et al. …

2003 Course Cover 26 Performance OpenGL

“Performance OpenGL: Platform Independent Techniques” by Shreiner, Commike, Grantham and Kuehne

2003 Course Cover 25 Computer Graphics for Large Scale Immersive Theaters

“Computer Graphics for Large-Scale Immersive Theaters” by Lantz, Beining, Emmart, Stern, Thompson, et al. …

2003 Course Cover 24 More Than RGB

“More Than RGB: Moving Toward Spectral Color Reproduction” by Bell and Baranoski

2003 Course Cover 23 Building Interactive Spaces

“Building Interactive Spaces” by Pinhanez and Intille

2003 Course Cover 22 The OpenGL Shading Language

“The OpenGL Shading Language” by Rost and Licea-Kane

2003 Course Cover 21 Projectors Advanced Geometric Issues in Applications

“Projectors: Advanced Geometric Issues in Applications” by Raskar

2003 Course Cover 20 There Can Be Only One

“There Can Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely” by Rittler and Palana

2003 Course Cover 19 HDRI and Image Based Lighting

“HDRI and Image-Based Lighting” by Debevec, Bogart, McGaugh and Ward

2003 Course Cover 18 Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments

“Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments” by Kaczmarski, Knorich-Zuffo, Goudeseune, Schaeffer, Allard, et al. …

2003 Course Cover 17 Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Digital Rights Management for Computer Graphics

“Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Digital Rights Management for Computer Graphics” by Ellis, Burk and Simons

2003 Course Cover 16 Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics

“Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics” by Zachmann and Langetepe

2003 Course Cover 15 3D Models From Photos and Videos

“3D Models From Photos and Videos” by Pollefeys and Gool

2003 Course Cover 14 Tracking a Baseball for Broadcast Television

“Tracking a Baseball for Broadcast Television” by Guéziec

2003 Course Cover 13 Beyond Blobs Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces

“Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces” by Turk, Yoo, Bloomenthal, Dinh, Hart, et al. …

2003 Course Cover 12 Physically Based Modeling

“Physically Based Modeling” by Baraff, Witkin, Anderson and Kass

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