“Physically Based Modeling” by Baraff, Witkin, Anderson and Kass

  • ©David Baraff, Andrew P. Witkin, John Anderson, and Michael Kass


Entry Number: 12


    Physically Based Modeling

Course Organizer(s):



    A good working familiarity with mainstream computer graphics modeling and animation. In addition to familiarity with matrix and vector manipulations, attendees should have had (though perhaps half forgotten) a basic calculus course.

    Modeling the dynamics of particle systems and rigid bodies, basic numerical methods for differential equations including implicit methods, simulation of deformable surfaces and liquids, collision detection, modeling springs, energy functions, and hard constraints including collision and contact between objects.

    A systematic, practical introduction to physically based modeling techniques, including differential equation basics, dynamics of particles and mass/spring systems, continuum methods for simulating deformable objects and fluids, rigid body dynamics, kinematic and dynamic constraints, and collision and contact. 

Overview Page: