“There Can Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely” by Rittler and Palana

  • ©Steve Rittler and Kristen Palana


Entry Number: 20


    There Can Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely

Course Organizer(s):



    General knowledge of computer graphics and at least beginning experience in animation and design. Where demonstrations are required, various platforms, packages, and techniques are discussed.

    Production strategies for design, storyboarding, animatics, and scratch-track creation; budget and scheduling; sound quality; viewing formats; editing and compositing; copyright issues; distribution; and final submission to animation festivals. How to solve digital pre- and post-production logistical problems.

    Many logistical challenges confront the ambitious loner creating animation without the luxury of a large budget or staff. This course on professional production procedure and organization includes tips on taking projects from concept to creation to festival submission.

Overview Page: