Daniel (Dani) Lischinski

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Shandong University, Beijing Film Academy, AICFVE

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Cornell University


  • SIGGRAPH 1994

    Dani Lischinski is a Ph.D. candidate at the Program of Computer Graphics and the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science in 1987 and his M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1989 from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He has published several articles on the topics of radiosity and ray-tracing. His research interests include accurate and efficient algorithms for global illumination, photorealistic image synthesis, practical and robust geometric algorithms, geometric modeling, and scientific visualization.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Daniel Lischinski is currently a doctoral student in the Program of Computer Graphics in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science in 1987 and his M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1989 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His interests in computer graphics include realistic image synthesis and geometric modeling.  



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