“Combining hierarchical radiosity and discontinuity meshing” by Lischinski, Tampieri and Greenberg

  • ©Daniel (Dani) Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, and Donald P. Greenberg




    Combining hierarchical radiosity and discontinuity meshing



    We introduce a new approach for the computation of viewindependent solutions to the diffuse global illumination problem in
    polyhedral environments. The approach combines ideas from hierarchical radiosity and discontinuity meshing to yield solutions that
    are accurate both numerically and visually. First, we describe a
    modified hierarchical radiosity algorithm that uses a discontinuitydriven subdivision strategy to achieve better numerical accuracy and
    faster convergence. Second, we present a new algorithm based on
    discontinuity meshing that uses the hierarchical solution to reconstruct an object-space approximation to the radiance function that is
    visually accurate. Our results show significant improvements over
    both hierarchical radiosity and discontinuity meshing algorithms.


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