“Interactive local adjustment of tonal values” by Lischinski, Farbman, Uyttendaele and Szeliski

  • ©Daniel (Dani) Lischinski, Zeev Farbman, Matt Uyttendaele, and Richard Szeliski




    Interactive local adjustment of tonal values



    This paper presents a new interactive tool for making local adjustments of tonal values and other visual parameters in an image. Rather than carefully selecting regions or hand-painting layer masks, the user quickly indicates regions of interest by drawing a few simple brush strokes and then uses sliders to adjust the brightness, contrast, and other parameters in these regions. The effects of the user’s sparse set of constraints are interpolated to the entire image using an edge-preserving energy minimization method designed to prevent the propagation of tonal adjustments to regions of significantly different luminance. The resulting system is suitable for adjusting ordinary and high dynamic range images, and provides the user with much more creative control than existing tone mapping algorithms. Our tool is also able to produce a tone mapping automatically, which may serve as a basis for further local adjustments, if so desired. The constraint propagation approach developed in this paper is a general one, and may also be used to interactively control a variety of other adjustments commonly performed in the digital darkroom.


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