“Gradient domain high dynamic range compression”

  • ©Raanan Fattal, Daniel (Dani) Lischinski, and Michael Werman

  • ©Raanan Fattal, Daniel (Dani) Lischinski, and Michael Werman




    Gradient domain high dynamic range compression



    We present a new method for rendering high dynamic range images on conventional displays. Our method is conceptually simple, computationally efficient, robust, and easy to use. We manipulate the gradient field of the luminance image by attenuating the magnitudes of large gradients. A new, low dynamic range image is then obtained by solving a Poisson equation on the modified gradient field. Our results demonstrate that the method is capable of drastic dynamic range compression, while preserving fine details and avoiding common artifacts, such as halos, gradient reversals, or loss of local contrast. The method is also able to significantly enhance ordinary images by bringing out detail in dark regions.


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