Tony DeRose

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Other Affiliation(s):

  • University of Washington, Associate Professor
  • Pixar Animation Studios


  • Seattle, Washington, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Tony DeRose, Senior Scientist, Pixar Animation Studios. I’ve been on both sides of the academic/production fence. I started my career as a professor at the University of Washington, where I co-founded the graphics lab there in 1985 with Prof. Ken Sloan. After ten years on the faculty at UW I joined Pixar, where I’m now the lead of the research group. 

    SIGGRAPH 1999

    Tony DeRose is currently a member of the Tools Group at Pixar Animation Studios. He received a BS in Physics in 1981 from the University of California, Davis; in 1985 he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berlu:ley. He received a Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation in 1989. In 1995 he was selected as a finalist in the software category of the Discover Awards for Technical Innovation. From September 1986 to December 1995 Dr. DeRose was a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. From September 1991 to August 1992 he was on sabbatical leave at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and at Apple Computer. He has served on various technical program committees including SIGGRAPH, and from 1988 through 1994 was an associate editor of  ACM Transactions on Graphics. His research has focused on mathematical methods for surface modeling, data fitting, and more recently, in the use of multiresolution techniques. Recent projects include object acquisition from laser range data and multiresolution/wavelet methods for high-performance computer graphics.  


    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Tony DeRose is currently a member of the Tools Group at Pixar Animation Studios. He received a BS in Physics in 1981 from the University of California, Davis; in 1985 he received a  Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley. He received a Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation in 1989. In 1995 he was selected as a finalist in the software category of the Discover Awards. From September 1986 to December 1995 Dr. DeRose was a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. From September 1991 to August 1992 he was on sabbatical leave at the  Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and at Apple Computer. He has served on various technical  program committees including SIGGRAPH, and from 1988 through 1994 was an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics. His research has focused on mathematical methods for surface modeling, data fitting, and more recently, in the use of multiresolution techniques. Recent projects include surface reconstruction from laser range data and multiresolution / wavelet methods for high-performance computer graphics.  

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Tony D. DeRose is currently an associate professor of computer science at the University of Washington. He received his BS in physics from the University of California, Davis in 1981 and his PhD in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1985. He received a Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation in 1989. His research interests include the mathematical aspects of computer graphics and geometric modeling, and high level methods of shape representation. DeRose is an associate editor for  ACM Transactions on Graphics, and is a member of SIGGRAPH, SIAM, and the IEEE Computer Society.

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