“2D Animation in the VR Clouds The Making of Disney’s “a kite’s tale”” by Wright, Anderson, McBride, Falt, Peixe, et al. …

  • ©Bruce Wright, Michael Anderson, Angela McBride, Henrik Falt, Daniel Martin Peixe, and Tony DeRose



Entry Number: 14


    2D Animation in the VR Clouds The Making of Disney’s “a kite’s tale”



    The experimental animated virtual reality short “a kite’s tale” required cgi and hand-drawn characters to interact in a highly art-directed environment made of spectacular clouds. In this talk we’ll examine the workflows developed to create the short, with particular emphasis on the integration of hand-drawn animation and performant real-time cloud rendering.


    Kim Keech, Rachel Bibb, Brian Whited, and Brett Achorn. 2017. Role of Hand-Drawn Animation in Disney’s Moana. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017 (Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series). ACM, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, 5–6.
    Peter Kutz, Ralf Habel, Yining Karl Li, and Jan Novak. 2017. Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering Heterogeneous Volumes. ACM Transactions on Graphics 36, 4 (jul 2017).



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