Matt Pettineo

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Ready at Dawn


  • SIGGRAPH 2015

    Matt Pettineo is currently a Lead Graphics and Engine programmer at Ready at Dawn Studios, where he recently finished work on The Order: 1886. His personal blog, The Danger Zone, is home to many articles and code samples that explore various aspects of real-time graphics development. He also co-authored the book Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 and contributed to OpenGL Insights.  

    SIGGRAPH 2013

    Matt Pettineo is a Lead Graphics and Engine programmer at Ready at Dawn Studios, where he has worked since 2009, helping to develop a physically based shading model and material authoring pipeline for use in their upcoming title. He also focuses on hardware development and optimization for next-generation consoles.  

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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