Daniel Thalmann

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • EPFL VRlab, _Director


  • Lausanne, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation


  • SIGGRAPH 1995

    Daniel Thalmann is currently full Professor and Director of the Computer Graphics Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. He is also adjunct Professor at the University of Montreal, Canada. He received his diploma in nuclear physics and Ph D in Computer Science from the University of Geneva. He is coeditor-in-chief of the Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, member of the editorial board of the Visual Computer, the CADDM Journal (China Engineering Society) and Computer Graphics (Russia). He is cochair of the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group on Computer Simulation and Animation and member of the Executive Board of the Computer Graphics Society. Daniel Thalmann was member of numerous Program Committees, Program Chair of several conferences and chair of Computer Graphics International ’93 and Pacific Graphics ’95. He has also organized 4 courses at SIGGRAPH on human animation. Daniel Thalmann’s research interests include 3D computer animation, image synthesis, virtual reality, artificial life and multimedia. He has published more than 200 papers in these areas, is coeditor of 20 books, and coauthor of several books including Computer Animation Theory and Practice and Image Synthesis Theory and Practice. He is also codirector of several computer-generated films with synthetic actors including a synthetic Marilyn Monroe shown on many TV channels all over the world.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Daniel Thalmann is currently full professor, head of computer science, and director of the Computer Graphics Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. He also is an adjunct professor at the University of Montreal. Since 1977, he was Professor at the University of Montreal and codirector of the MIRA Lab research laboratory. He received his diploma in nuclear physics and Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Geneva. He was visiting Professor at the University of Nebraska and invited researcher in the Computer Graphics Group at CERN. He cochairs the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group on Computer Simulation and Animation  

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Daniel Thalmann is currently full Professor and Director of the Computer Graphics Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 1977, he was Professor at the University of Montreal and codirector of the MIRALab research laboratory. He received his diploma in nuclear physics and Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Geneva. He was visiting Professor at the University of Nebraska and invited researcher in the Computer Graphics Group at CERN. He cochairs the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group on Computer Simulation and Animation.

    SIGGRAPH 1988

    Daniel Thalmann received his diploma in nuclear physics and Ph.D in computer science from the University of Geneva. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Visual Computer and co chairs the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group on Computer Simulation and Animation. He was director of the Canadian Man-Machine Communications Society and is a member of the Computer Society of the IEEE, ACM, SIGGRAPH, and EUROGRAPHICS.  


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