Pattie Maes

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Media Lab, Associate Professor


  • Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1995

    Pattie Maes (PhD ’87 University of Brussels, Belgium) is an associate professor at the MIT Media Laboratory. Previously she was visiting professor and research scientist at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. From 1983 till 1989 she was a research scientist for the Belgian National Science Foundation. Pattie Maes’ interests lie in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life and Human Computer Interaction. In particular she is interested in building autonomous agents that interact with people. She has authored numerous articles in this area and has edited four books, among them ”Designing Autonomous Agents Theory and Practice from Biology to Engineering and Back” (MIT Press, 1990) and the proceedings of the Artificial Life IV conference, 1994. She is one of the project leaders for the ALIVE project (Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment), which was demonstrated at SIGGRAPH ’93 in Anaheim and AAAI ’94 in Seattle and which won honorary awards at ArcTec ’95, Nagoya, Japan and Ars Electronica ’94, Linz, Austria. This project allows a user to interact in real-time with 3D animated autonomous characters.  


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