2007 Posters: Yuksel Implementing Wave Particles for Real time Water Waves with Object Interaction

“Implementing wave particles for real-time water waves with object interaction” by Yuksel, House and Keyser

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Saving the z-cull optimization” by Mantler and Hadwiger

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A GPU interpolating reconstruction from unorganized points” by Buchart, Borro and Amundarain

2007 Posters: Zhang GPU Accelerated SPH Particle Simulation and Rendering

“GPU accelerated SPH particle simulation and rendering” by Zhang, Solenthaler and Pajarola

2007 Posters: Yang_Anywhere Pixel Compositor

“Anywhere pixel compositor” by Yang and Lastra

2007 Posters: Woulfe_Hardware Accelerated Broad Phase Collision Detection

“Hardware accelerated broad phase collision detection” by Woulfe, Dingliana and Manzke

2007 Posters: Oates Metatextures: A Brief Introduction

“Metatextures: a brief introduction” by Oates

2007 Posters: Lavoue Feature Based Subdivision Surface Fitting

“Feature-based subdivision surface fitting” by Lavoué and Dupont

2007 Posters: Shapira Part Analogies of 3D Objects

“Part analogies of 3D objects” by Shapira, Shamir and Cohen-Or

2007 Poster Freeman Interactive Modeling for Augmented Reality 01

“Interactive modeling for augmented reality” by Freeman and Steed

2007 Posters: Ogawa Surface based Deformation for Disconnected Mesh Models

“Surface-based deformation for disconnected mesh models” by Ogawa and Masuda

2007 Posters: Sakurai Leather Texture Generation Considering Sulci Flow

“Leather texture generation considering sulci flow” by Sakurai, Miyata, Kawai and Matsufuji

2007 Posters: Levien Eureka: Euler spiral splines

“Eureka: Euler spiral splines” by Levien and Séquin

2007 Posters: Yang_Geometry Sequence Based Progressive Mesh Compression

“Geometry sequence based progressive mesh compression” by Yang, Yin, Sun and Kong

2007 Posters: Verrill A Fast Mesh Deformation Tool for Blender

“A fast mesh deformation tool for blender” by Verrill and Lasenby

2007 Poster Bergbom Robust Fitting of Super Helices to Parametric Curves

“Robust fitting of super-helices to parametric curves” by Bergbom, Museth and Roble

2007 Poster Kanaya 4 D n D Computer Aided Design 01

“4-D/n-D computer aided design” by Kanaya, Ogata and Kawasaki

2007 Poster Abeysinghe Shape Preserving Gray Scale Skeletonization on 3D Density Maps 01

“Shape-preserving gray-scale skeletonization on 3D density maps”

2007 Posters: Solomon Fast and Accurate Estimation of Principal Curvatures and Directions for Morphable Models

“Fast and Accurate Estimation of Principal Curvatures and Directions for Morphable Models” by Solomon

2007 Poster Ishibashi Facial Muscle Adaptation for Expression Customization 01

“Facial muscle adaptation for expression customization” by Ishibashi, Kubo, Maejima, Terzopoulos and Morishima

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