“Feature-based subdivision surface fitting” by Lavoué and Dupont

  • ©Guillaume Lavoué and Florent Dupont

  • ©Guillaume Lavoué and Florent Dupont




    Feature-based subdivision surface fitting



    Obtaining optimal and succinct representations for 3D models, usually defined as redundant dense polygonal meshes, is particularly of interest for many applications: animation, compression, recognition or understanding. Subdivision surfaces combine a lot of properties particularly relevant for this task: this model is very compact, can represent an arbitrary topology, authorizes a local control while being intrinsically multi-resolution. For these reasons, subdivision surfaces are increasingly popular in computer graphics and have been integrated to the MPEG4 standard. In this context, approximating a dense verbose polygonal mesh with this model becomes even more relevant.


    1. Cohen-Steiner, D., Alliez, P., and Desbrun, M. 2004. Variational shape approximation. In ACM Siggraph, 905–914.
    2. DeRose, T., Kass, M., and Truong, T. 1998. Subdivision surfaces in character animation. In ACM Siggraph, 85–94.
    3. Kanai, T. 2001. Meshtoss:converting subdivision surfaces from dense meshes. In Vision Modeling and Visualization, 325–332.
    4. Lavoué, G., Dupont, F., and Baskurt, A. 2007. A framework for quad/triangle subdivision surface fitting: Application to mechanical objects. Computer Graphics Forum 26, 1, 1–14.
    5. Marinov, M., and Kobbelt, L. 2005. Optimization methods for scattered data approximation with subdivision surfaces. Journal of Graphical Models 67, 5, 452–473.

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