2018 Posters: LeGendre_Efficient Multispectral Facial Capture with Monochrome Cameras

“Efficient Multispectral Facial Capture with Monochrome Cameras” by LeGendre, Bladin, Kishore, Ren, Yu, et al. …

2018 Posters: Salokhiddinov_Depth from Focus for 3D Reconstruction by Iteratively Building Uniformly Focused Image Set

“Depth from Focus for 3D Reconstruction by Iteratively Building Uniformly Focused Image Set” by Salokhiddinov and Lee

2018 Posters: Cun_Depth Assisted Full Resolution Network for Single Image-based View Synthesis

“Depth Assisted Full Resolution Network for Single Image-based View Synthesis” by Cun, Xu, Pun and Gao

2018 Posters: Kwon_Deep Motion Transfer without Big Data

“Deep Motion Transfer without Big Data” by Kwon, Yu, Jang, Cho, Lee, et al. …

2018 Posters: Yamamoto_BOLCOF: Base Optimization for middle Layer Completion of 3D-printed Objects without Failure

“BOLCOF: Base Optimization for middle Layer Completion of 3D-printed Objects without Failure” by Yamamoto, Iwasaki, Minagawa, Kawamura, Ryskeldiev, et al. …

2018 Posters: Kim_A Seamless Texture Color Adjustment Method for Large-Scale Terrain Reconstruction

“A Seamless Texture Color Adjustment Method for Large-Scale Terrain Reconstruction” by Kim, Ban and Park

2018 Posters: Gaubert_3D-Mesh Cutting Based On Fracture Photographs

“3D-Mesh Cutting Based On Fracture Photographs” by Gaubert, Londe, Poittevin and Lioret

2018 Posters: Fleisher_Volume: 3D Reconstruction of History for Immersive Platforms

“Volume: 3D Reconstruction of History for Immersive Platforms” by Fleisher and Anlen

2018 Posters: Kilian_Curved Support Structures and Meshes with Spherical Vertex Stars

“Curved Support Structures and Meshes with Spherical Vertex Stars” by Kilian, Wang, Schling, Schikore and Pottmann

2018 Posters: Barbieri_Collaborative Animation Production from Students' Perspective

“Collaborative Animation Production from Students’ Perspective” by Barbieri, Hutchens and Harrison

2018 Posters: Fang_Automatic Display Zoom for People Suffering from Presbyopia

“Automatic Display Zoom for People Suffering from Presbyopia” by Fang and Funahashi

2018 Posters: Barbieri_3D content creation exploiting 2D character animation

“3D Content Creation Exploiting 2D Character Animation” by Barbieri, Jiang, Cawthorne, Xiao and Yang

2018 Posters: Yamamoto_Solar Projector

“Solar Projector” by Yamamoto, Omomo, Takazawa and Ochiai

“Make your own Retinal Projector: Retinal Near-Eye Displays via Metamaterials” by Ochiai, Otao, Itoh, Imai, Takazawa, et al. …

2018 Posters: Kang_Learning Optimal Lighting Patterns for Efficient SVBRDF Acquisition

“Learning Optimal Lighting Patterns for Efficient SVBRDF Acquisition” by Kang, Chen, Wang, Zhou and Wu

2018 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Development of an Open Source Motion Capture System” by Canada, Ventura, Iossa, Moreno and Joel

2018 Posters: Asano_3D Facial Geometry Analysis and Estimation Using Embedded Optical Sensors on Smart Eyewear

“3D Facial Geometry Analysis and Estimation Using Embedded Optical Sensors on Smart Eyewear” by Asano, Sugiura, Masai and Sugimoto

2018 Posters: Nakamoto_Which BSSRDF model is better for Heterogeneous Materials?

“Which BSSRDF model is better for Heterogeneous Materials?” by Nakamoto and Koike

2018 Posters: Chiang_Retinal Resolution Display Technology Brings Impact to VR Industry

“Retinal Resolution Display Technology Brings Impact to VR Industry” by Chiang, Wei, Cheng, Huang, Chen, et al. …

2018 Posters: Feygina_Realistic Post-processing of Rendered 3D Scenes

“Realistic Post-processing of Rendered 3D Scenes” by Feygina, Ignatov and Makarov

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