“Solar Projector” by Yamamoto, Omomo, Takazawa and Ochiai

  • ©Kenta Yamamoto, Kotaro Omomo, Kazuki Takazawa, and Yoichi Ochiai

  • ©Kenta Yamamoto, Kotaro Omomo, Kazuki Takazawa, and Yoichi Ochiai

  • ©Kenta Yamamoto, Kotaro Omomo, Kazuki Takazawa, and Yoichi Ochiai



Entry Number: 49


    Solar Projector




    The sun is the most universal, powerful and familiar energy available on the planet. Every organism and plant has evolved over the years, corresponding to the energy brought by the sun. Humanity is no exception. We have invented many artificial lights since Edison invented light bulbs. In recent years, LEDs are one of the most representative examples. Displays and projectors using LEDs are still being actively developed. However, it is difficult to reproduce ideal light with high brightness and wide wavelength like sunlight. Furthermore, considering low energy sustainability and environmental contamination in the manufacturing process, artificial light can not surpass the sunlight. Against this backdrop, projects that utilize sunlight have been actively carried out in the world. Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) generate electricity using the heat of sunlight to turn turbines [Müller-Steinhagen and Trieb 2004]. [Koizumi 2017] is an aerial image presentation system using the sun as a light source. Digital sundials use the shadow of sunlight to inform digital time [Scharstein et al. 1996]. These projects attempt to use the direct sunlight without any conversion and minimize the energy loss.

    In this paper, we propose an image projection system using sunlight as a light source (Fig. 1). Specifically, Digital Mirror Device (DMD) reflects concentrated sunlight and projects images with natural light. In this way, it became possible to project images using light in a wide wavelength range that can not be reproduced by LEDs. By directly utilizing sunlight, it is possible to realize new projection harmonious with nature, such as applying it to photosynthesis of plants.


    • Naoya Koizumi. 2017. Sunny Day Display: Mid-air Image Formed by Solar Light. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces. ACM, 126–131. 
    • Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Franz Trieb. 2004. Concentrating solar power. A review of the technology. Ingenia Inform QR Acad Eng 18 (2004), 43–50. 
    • Hans Scharstein, Werner Krotz-Vogel, and Daniel Scharstein. 1996. Digital sundial. (Dec. 31 1996). US Patent 5,590,093.


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©Kenta Yamamoto, Kotaro Omomo, Kazuki Takazawa, and Yoichi Ochiai ©Kenta Yamamoto, Kotaro Omomo, Kazuki Takazawa, and Yoichi Ochiai


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