“3D-Mesh Cutting Based On Fracture Photographs” by Gaubert, Londe, Poittevin and Lioret

  • ©Vincent Gaubert, Enki Londe, Thibaut Poittevin, and Alain Lioret

  • ©Vincent Gaubert, Enki Londe, Thibaut Poittevin, and Alain Lioret

  • ©Vincent Gaubert, Enki Londe, Thibaut Poittevin, and Alain Lioret



Entry Number: 55


    3D-Mesh Cutting Based On Fracture Photographs



    We propose a new approach to 3D mesh fracturing for the fields of animation and game production. Through the use of machine learning and computer vision to analyze real fractures we produced a solution capable of creating realistic fractures in real-time. 


    • M. B. Dillencourt. 1990. Realizability of Delaunay Triangulations. Inf. Process. Lett. 33, 6 (Feb. 1990), 283–287. https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(90)90210-O
    • Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, and Tae-Yong Kim. 2013. Real time dynamic fracture with volumetric approximate convex decompositions. ACM Trans. Graph. 32 (2013), 115:1–115:10. 
    • Ruohui Wang. 2016. Edge Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network. Springer International Publishing.


Additional Images:

©Vincent Gaubert, Enki Londe, Thibaut Poittevin, and Alain Lioret ©Vincent Gaubert, Enki Londe, Thibaut Poittevin, and Alain Lioret


    We would like to thank Marc Bianchini and Nicolas Vidal for their support in this work.


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