Alain Lioret

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • École Supérieure de Génie Informatique(ESGI)

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Université Paris 8, Arts et Technologies de l’Image


  • Paris, France, French Republic



  • Alain Lioret is a Generative Artist and a Professor at “Arts et Technologies de l’Image” (University Paris 8, France) within the laboratory INREV (Digital images and Virtual Reality). He has been working for several years on research on the applications of artificial life and artificial intelligence (connexionism, evolutionism, cellular automata) in the artistic field.

    Lioret is author of the books “Emergence de Nouvelles Esthétiques du Mouvement”, and “L’Art Génératif”. He is a specialist in research & development (innovative techniques in 3D animation, use of dynamics, etc), and he participates in multiple projects (virtual actors, Attitude Studio R&D, etc.). Alain Lioret works on Being’s movement and Artificial Life, using techniques with biological inspiration: neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, fractals, simulations of crowd, and quantum computing.

Art Paper(s):



Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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