2011 3 Introduction to Modern OpenGL Programming

“Introduction to Modern OpenGL Programming” by Angel and Shreiner

2011 2 Destruction and Dynamics for Film and Game Production

“Destruction and Dynamics for Film and Game Production” by Harada, Zafar, Carlson, Criswell, Baker, et al. …

2011 1 3D Spatial Interaction Applications for Art, Design, and Science

“3D Spatial Interaction: Applications for Art, Design, and Science” by LaViola and Keefe

2010 22 Global Illumination Across Industries

“Global Illumination Across Industries” by Fajardo, Christensen, Tabellion, Bunnell, Larsson, et al. …

2010 21 Beyond Programmable Shading II

“Beyond Programmable Shading II” by Lefohn, Houston, Luebke, Fatahalian, Foley, et al. …

2010 20 Advanced Techniques in Real-Time Hair Rendering and Simulation

“Advanced Techniques in Real-Time Hair Rendering and Simulation” by Yuksel and Tariq

2010 19 Beyond Programmable Shading I

“Beyond Programmable Shading I” by Lefohn, Houston, Luebke, Fatahalian, Foley, et al. …

2010 18 Gazing at Games Using Eye Tracking to Control Virtual Characters

“Gazing at Games: Using Eye Tracking to Control Virtual Characters” by Sundstedt

2010 17 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games II

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games II” by Tatarchuk, Vlachos, Lauritzen, Salvi, Kihl, et al. …

2010 16 Applications of Visual Analytics

“Applications of Visual Analytics” by Thomas, Maciejewski, Ebert, Koch and Keim

2010 15 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games I

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games I” by Tatarchuk, Ownby, Hall, Hall, Einarsson, et al. …

2010 14 Volumetric Methods in Visual Effects

“Volumetric Methods in Visual Effects” by Zafar, Wrenninge, Tessendorf, Clinton, Penney, et al. …

2010 13 Fundamentals of Visual Analytics

“Fundamentals of Visual Analytics” by Ebert, Maciejewski, Koch, Thomas, Keim, et al. …

2010 12 An Introduction to 3D Spatial Interaction With Videogame Motion Controllers

“An Introduction to 3D Spatial Interaction With Videogame Motion Controllers” by LaViola and Marks

2010 11 Importance Sampling for Production Rendering

“Importance Sampling for Production Rendering” by Colbert, Premoze and Francois

2010 10 Color Enhancement and Rendering in Film and Game Production

“Color Enhancement and Rendering in Film and Game Production” by Duiker, Glynn, Goldstone, Gotanda, Hoffman, et al. …

2010 9 Recent Advances in Real-Time Collision and Proximity Computations for Games and Simulations

“Recent Advances in Real-Time Collision and Proximity Computations for Games and Simulations” by Yoon, Manocha, Coumans, Kim and Tonge

SIGGRAPH 2020: Courses

SIGGRAPH 2020: Courses

SIGGRAPH 2013: Courses

SIGGRAPH 2013: Courses

SIGGRAPH 2012: Courses

SIGGRAPH 2012: Courses

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