2003 Technical Paper: Wang_View-Dependent Displacement Mapping

“View-dependent displacement mapping” by Wang, Wang, Tong, Lin, Guo, et al. …

2003 Technical Paper: Kang_High Dynamic Range Video

“High dynamic range video” by Kang, Uyttendaele, Winder and Szeliski

2003 Technical Paper: Perez_Poisson Image Editing

“Poisson image editing” by Perez, Blake and Gangnet

2003 Technical Paper: Drori_Fragment-Based Image Completion

“Fragment-based image completion” by Drori, Cohen-Or and Yeshurun

2003 Technical Paper: Zhang_Synthesis of Progressively Variant Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces

“Synthesis of progressively-variant textures on arbitrary surfaces” by Zhou, Zhang, Velho, Guo and Shum

2003 Technical Paper: Cohen_Wang Tiles for Image and Texture Generation

“Wang Tiles for image and texture generation”

2003 Technical Paper: Kwatra_Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts

“Graphcut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts” by Bobick, Kwatra, Schödl, Essa and Turk

2003 Technical Paper: Sloan_Bi-Scale Radiance Transfer

“Bi-scale radiance transfer” by Sloan, Liu, Shum and Snyder

2003 Technical Paper: Levy_Dual Domain Extrapolation

“Dual domain extrapolation” by Levy

2003 Technical Paper: Gotsman_Fundamentals of Spherical Parameterization for 3D Meshes

“Fundamentals of spherical parameterization for 3D meshes”

2003 Technical Paper: Tong_Discrete Multiscale Vector Field Decomposition

“Discrete multiscale vector field decomposition” by Tong, Lombeyda, Hirani and Desbrun

2003 Technical Paper: Munzner_TreeJuxtaposer: Scalable Tree Comparison using Focus+Context with Guaranteed Visibility

“TreeJuxtaposer: scalable tree comparison using Focus+Context with guaranteed visibility” by Munzner, Guimbretière, Tasiran, Zhang and Zhou

2003 Technical Paper: Zhang_Improving Midtone Quality of Variable -Coefficient Error Diffusion Using Threshold Modulation

“Improving mid-tone quality of variable-coefficient error diffusion using threshold modulation” by Zhou and Fang

2003 Technical Paper: Fang_Efficient Synthesis of Physically Valid Human Motion

“Efficient synthesis of physically valid human motion” by Fang and Pollard

2003 Technical Paper: Dontcheva_Layered Acting For Character

“Layered acting for character animation” by Dontcheva, Yngve and Popovic

2003 Technical Paper: Kim_Rhythmic-Motion Synthesis Based on Motion-Beat Analysis

“Rhythmic-motion synthesis based on motion-beat analysis” by Kim, Park and Shin

2003 Technical Paper: Arikan_Motion Synthesis from Annotations

“Motion synthesis from annotations”

2003 Technical Paper: Sloan_Clustered Principal Components for Precomputed Radiance Transfer

“Clustered principal components for precomputed radiance transfer” by Sloan, Hall, Hart and Snyder

2003 Technical Paper: Ng_All-Frequency Shadows Using Non-linear Wavelet Lighting Approximation

“All-frequency shadows using non-linear wavelet lighting approximation” by Ng, Ramamoorthi and Hanrahan

2003 Technical Paper: Kahler_Reanimating the Dead: Reconstruction of Expressive Faces from Skull Data

“Reanimating the dead: reconstruction of expressive faces from skull data” by Haber, Kähler and Seidel

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