“Fragment-based image completion” by Drori, Cohen-Or and Yeshurun

  • ©Iddo Drori, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Hezy Yeshurun




    Fragment-based image completion



    We present a new method for completing missing parts caused by the removal of foreground or background elements from an image. Our goal is to synthesize a complete, visually plausible and coherent image. The visible parts of the image serve as a training set to infer the unknown parts. Our method iteratively approximates the unknown regions and composites adaptive image fragments into the image. Values of an inverse matte are used to compute a confidence map and a level set that direct an incremental traversal within the unknown area from high to low confidence. In each step, guided by a fast smooth approximation, an image fragment is selected from the most similar and frequent examples. As the selected fragments are composited, their likelihood increases along with the mean confidence of the image, until reaching a complete image. We demonstrate our method by completion of photographs and paintings.


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