“Fragra: A Visual-Olfactory VR Game” by Mochizuki, Amada, Sawa, Takeda, Motoyashiki, et al. …

  • ©Arito Mochizuki, Takashi Amada, Sayuri Sawa, Tadayuki Takeda, Shogo Motoyashiki, Kazuhiro Kohyama, Masataka Imura, and Kunihiro Chihara

  • ©Arito Mochizuki, Takashi Amada, Sayuri Sawa, Tadayuki Takeda, Shogo Motoyashiki, Kazuhiro Kohyama, Masataka Imura, and Kunihiro Chihara




    Fragra: A Visual-Olfactory VR Game

Session/Category Title:   Mixed-Reality Applications



    “Fragra” is a new Visual-Olfactory VR Game that enables players to explore the interactive relationship between olfaction and vision. For this purpose, “Fragra” does not always display fragrances that correspond to images. So observers must distinguish what each visual and olfactory information means and compare them.


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