“High dynamic range video” by Kang, Uyttendaele, Winder and Szeliski

  • ©Sing Bing Kang, Matt Uyttendaele, Simon Winder, and Richard Szeliski




    High dynamic range video



    Typical video footage captured using an off-the-shelf camcorder suffers from limited dynamic range. This paper describes our approach to generate high dynamic range (HDR) video from an image sequence of a dynamic scene captured while rapidly varying the exposure of each frame. Our approach consists of three parts: automatic exposure control during capture, HDR stitching across neighboring frames, and tonemapping for viewing. HDR stitching requires accurately registering neighboring frames and choosing appropriate pixels for computing the radiance map. We show examples for a variety of dynamic scenes. We also show how we can compensate for scene and camera movement when creating an HDR still from a series of bracketed still photographs.


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