1998 Technical Paper: Rademacher_Multiple-Center-of-Projection Images

“Multiple-center-of-projection images” by Rademacher and Bishop

1998 Technical Paper: Yu_Recovering Photometric Properties Of Architectural Scenes From Photographs

“Recovering photometric properties of architectural scenes from photographs” by Yu and Malik

1998 Technical Paper: Snyder_Visibility Sorting and Compositing without Splitting for Image Layer Decompositions

“Visibility sorting and compositing without splitting for image layer decompositions” by Snyder and Lengyel

1998 Technical Paper: Halle_Multiple Viewpoint Rendering

“Multiple viewpoint rendering” by Halle

1998 Technical Paper: Tanner_The Clipmap: A Virtual Mipmap

“The clipmap: a virtual mipmap” by Tanner, Migdal and Jones

1998 Technical Paper: Deussen_Realistic modeling and rendering of plant ecosystems

“Realistic modeling and rendering of plant ecosystems” by Deussen, Hanrahan, Lintermann, Mech, Pharr, et al. …

1998 Technical Paper Soler_Fast Calculation of Soft Shadow Textures Using Convolution

“Fast calculation of soft shadow textures using convolution” by Soler and Sillion

1998 Technical Paper: Jensen_Efficient Simulation of Light Transport in Scenes with Participating Media using Photon Maps

“Efficient simulation of light transport in scenes with participating media using photon maps” by Jensen and Christensen

1998 Technical Paper: Carraro_Techniques for Handling Video in Virtual Environments

“Techniques for handling video in virtual environments” by Carraro, Edmark and Ensor

1998 Technical Paper: MacIntyre_A Distributed 3D Graphics Library

“A distributed 3D graphics library” by MacIntyre and Feiner

1998 Technical Paper: Olano_A Shading Language on Graphics Hardware: The PixelFlow Shading System

“A shading language on graphics hardware: the pixelflow shading system” by Olano and Lastra

1998 Technical Paper: Guo_Progressive Radiance Evaluation Using Directional Coherence Maps

“Progressive radiance evaluation using directional coherence maps” by Guo

1998 Technical Paper: Stollnitz_Reproducing Color Images Using Custom Inks

“Reproducing color images using custom inks” by Stollnitz, Ostromoukhov and Salesin

1998 Technical Paper: Pattanaik_A Multiscale Model of Adaptation and Spatial Vision for Realistic Image Display

“A multiscale model of adaptation and spatial vision for realistic image display” by Pattanaik, Ferwerda, Fairchild and Greenberg

1998 Technical Paper: Bolin_A Perceptually Based Adaptive Sampling Algorithm

“A perceptually based adaptive sampling algorithm” by Bolin and Meyer

1998 Technical Paper: Ofek_Interactive Reflections on Curved Objects

“Interactive reflections on curved objects” by Ofek and Rappoport

1998 Technical Paper: Levy_Non-Distorted Texture Mapping For Sheared Triangulated Meshes

“Non-distorted texture mapping for sheared triangulated meshes” by Levy and Mallet

1998 Technical Paper: Stam_Exact Evaluation Of Catmull Clark Subdivision Surfaces At Arbitrary Parameter Values

“Exact evaluation of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces at arbitrary parameter values” by Stam

1998 Technical Paper: Singh_Wires: A Geometric Deformation Technique

“Wires: a geometric deformation technique” by Singh and Fiume

1998 Technical Paper: Correa_Texture Mapping for Cel Animation

“Texture mapping for cel animation” by Correa, Jensen, Thayer and Finkelstein

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