“Multiple viewpoint rendering” by Halle

  • ©Michael Halle




    Multiple viewpoint rendering



    This paper presents an algorithm for rendering a static scene from multiple perspectives. While most current computer graphics algorithms render scenes as they appear from a single viewpoint (the location of the camera) multiple viewpoint rendering (MVR) renders a scene from a range of spatially-varying viewpoints. By exploiting perspective coherence, MVR can produce a set of images orders of magnitude faster than conventional rendering methods. Images produced by MVR can be used as input to multiple-perspective displays such as holographic stereograms, lenticular sheet displays, and holographic video. MVR can also be used as a geometry-to-image prefilter for image-based rendering algorithms. MVR techniques are adapted from single viewpoint computer graphics algorithms and can be accelerated using existing hardware graphics subsystems. This paper describes the characteristics of MVR algorithms in general, along with the design, implementation, and applications of a particular MVR rendering system.


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