“Wires: a geometric deformation technique” by Singh and Fiume
- Wires: a geometric deformation technique
Finding effective interactive deformation techniques for complex geometric objects continues to be a challenging problem in modeling and animation. We present an approach that is inspired by armatures used by sculptors, in which wire curves give definition to an object and shape its deformable features. We also introduce domain curves that define the domain of deformation about an object. A wire together with a collection of domain curves provide a new basis for an implicit modeling primitive. Wires directly reflect object geometry, and as such they provide a coarse geometric representation of an object that can be created through sketching. Furthermore, the aggregate deformation from several wires is easy to define. We show that a single wire is an appealing direct manipulation deformation technique; we demonstrate that the combination of wires and domain curves provide a new way to outline the shape of an implicit volume in space; and we describe techniques for the aggregation of deformations resulting from multiple wires, domain curves and their interaction with each other and other deformation techniques. The power of our approach is illustrated using applications of animating figures with flexible articulations, modeling wrinkled surfaces and stitching geometry together.
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