“WireRoom: model-guided explorative design of abstract wire art” by Yang, Xu, Fu and Huang

  • ©Zhijin Yang, Pengfei Xu, Hongbo Fu, and Hui Huang




    WireRoom: model-guided explorative design of abstract wire art



    We present WireRoom, a computational framework for the intelligent design of abstract 3D wire art to depict a given 3D model. Our algorithm generates a set of 3D wire shapes from the 3D model with informative, visually pleasing, and concise structures. It is achieved by solving a dynamic travelling salesman problem on the surface of the 3D model with a multi-path expansion approach. We introduce a novel explorative computational design procedure by taking the generated wire shapes as candidates, avoiding manual design of the wire shape structure. We compare our algorithm with a baseline method and conduct a user study to investigate the usability of the framework and the quality of the produced wire shapes. The results of the comparison and user study confirm that our framework is effective for producing informative, visually pleasing, and concise wire shapes.


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