“A shading language on graphics hardware: the pixelflow shading system” by Olano and Lastra

  • ©Marc Olano and Anselmo A. Lastra




    A shading language on graphics hardware: the pixelflow shading system



    Over the years, there have been two main branches of computer graphics image-synthesis research; one focused on interactivity, the other on image quality. Procedural shading is a powerful tool, commonly used for creating high-quality images and production animation. A key aspect of most procedural shading is the use of a shading language, which allows a high-level description of the color and shading of each surface. However, shading languages have been beyond the capabilities of the interactive graphics hardware community. We have created a parallel graphics multi-computer, PixelFlow, that can render images at 30 frames per second using a shading language. This is the first system to be able to support a shading language in real-time. In this paper, we describe some of the techniques that make this possible.


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