“A multiscale model of adaptation and spatial vision for realistic image display” by Pattanaik, Ferwerda, Fairchild and Greenberg

  • ©Sumanta N. Pattanaik, James A. Ferwerda, Mark D. Fairchild, and Donald P. Greenberg




    A multiscale model of adaptation and spatial vision for realistic image display



    In this paper we develop a computational model of adaptation and spatial vision for realistic tone reproduction. The model is based on a multiscale representation of pattern, luminance, and color processing in the human visual system. We incorporate the model into a tone reproduction operator that maps the vast ranges of radiances found in real and synthetic scenes into the small fixed ranges available on conventional display devices such as CRT’s and printers. The model allows the operator to address the two major problems in realistic tone reproduction: wide absolute range and high dynamic range scenes can be displayed; and the displayed images match our perceptions of the scenes at both threshold and suprathreshold levels to the degree possible given a particular display device. Although in this paper we apply our visual model to the tone reproduction problem, the model is general and can be usefully applied to image quality metrics, image compression methods, and perceptually-based image synthesis algorithms.


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