2013 Technical Paper: Kaick_Co-Hierarchical Analysis of Shape Structures

“Co-hierarchical analysis of shape structures” by Kaick, Xu, Zhang, Wang, Sun, et al. …

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Implicit Integration for Robust Collision-Free Crowd Simulation” by Karamouzas, Sohre, Narain and Guy

2009 Technical Paper: Rubinstein_Multi-operator Media Retargeting

“Multi-operator media retargeting” by Rubinstein, Shamir and Avidan

2009 Technical Paper: Kim_Modeling Human Color Perception under Extended Luminance Levels

“Modeling human color perception under extended luminance levels” by Kim, Weyrich and Kautz

2009 Technical Paper: Fattal_Edge-Avoiding Wavelets and their Applications

“Edge-avoiding wavelets and their applications” by Fattal

2009 Technical Paper: Barnes_PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing

“PatchMatch: a randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing” by Barnes, Shechtman, Finkelstein and Goldman

2009 Technical Paper: Vergne_Light Warping for Enhanced Surface Depiction

“Light warping for enhanced surface depiction” by Vergne, Pacanowski, Barla, Granier and Schlick

2009 Technical Paper: Kerr_Toward Evaluating Lighting Design Interface Paradigms for Novice Users

“Toward evaluating lighting design interface paradigms for novice users” by Kerr and Pellacini

2009 Technical Paper: Adams_Gaussian KD-Trees for Fast High-Dimensional Filtering

“Gaussian KD-trees for fast high-dimensional filtering” by Adams, Gelfand, Dolson and Levoy

2009 Technical Paper: Baran_Semantic Deformation Transfer

“Semantic deformation transfer” by Baran, Vlasic, Grinspun and Popović

2009 Technical Paper: Xu_Joint-aware Manipulation of Deformable Models

“Joint-aware manipulation of deformable models” by Xu, Wang, Yin, Zhou, Panne, et al. …

2009 Technical Paper: Gal_iWIRES: An Analyze-and-Edit Approach to Shape Manipulation

“iWIRES: an analyze-and-edit approach to shape manipulation” by Gal, Sorkine-Hornung, Mitra and Cohen-Or

2009 Technical Paper: Weyrich_Fabricating Microgeometry for Custom Surface Reflectance

“Fabricating microgeometry for custom surface reflectance” by Weyrich, Peers, Matusik and Rusinkiewicz

2009 Technical Paper: Song_SubEdit: A Representation for Editing Measured Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering

“SubEdit: a representation for editing measured heterogeneous subsurface scattering” by Song, Tong, Pellacini and Peers

2009 Technical Paper: Donner_An Empirical BSSRDF Model

“An empirical BSSRDF model” by Donner, Lawrence, Ramamoorthi, Hachisuka, Jensen, et al. …

2009 Technical Paper: Wang_Kernel Nystr ̈om Method for Light Transport

“Kernel Nyström method for light transport” by Wang, Dong, Tong, Lin and Guo

2009 Technical Paper: Cole_How Well Do Line Drawings Depict Shape?

“How well do line drawings depict shape?” by Cole, Sanik, DeCarlo, Finkelstein, Funkhouser, et al. …

2009 Technical Paper: Ben-Chen_Variational Harmonic Maps for Space Deformation

“Variational harmonic maps for space deformation” by Ben-Chen, Weber and Gotsman

2009 Technical Paper: Schollmeyer_Direct Trimming of NURBS Surfaces on the GPU

“Direct trimming of NURBS surfaces on the GPU” by Schollmeyer and Fröhlich

2009 Technical Paper: Kaufmann_Enrichment Textures for Detailed Cutting of Shells

“Enrichment textures for detailed cutting of shells” by Kaufmann, Martin, Botsch, Grinspun and Gross

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