2012 Technical Paper: Ye_Synthesis of Detailed Hand Manipulations Using Contact Sampling

“Synthesis of detailed hand manipulations using contact sampling” by Ye and Liu

2012 Technical Paper: Dong_Printing Spatially-Varying Reflectance for Reproducing HDR Images

“Printing spatially-varying reflectance for reproducing HDR images” by Dong, Tong, Pellacini and Guo

2012 Technical Paper: O’Toole_Primal-Dual Coding to Probe Light Transport

“Primal-dual coding to probe light transport” by O’Toole, Raskar and Kutulakos

2012 Technical Paper: Kim_3D Imaging Spectroscopy for Measuring Hyperspectral Patterns on Solid

“3D imaging spectroscopy for measuring hyperspectral patterns on solid objects” by Kim, Harvey, Kittle, Rushmeier, Dorsey, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Lang_Practical Temporal Consistency for Image-Based Graphics Applications

“Practical temporal consistency for image-based graphics applications” by Lang, Wang, Aydin, Smolic and Gross

2012 Technical Paper: Gastal_Adaptive Manifolds for Real-Time High-Dimensional Filtering

“Adaptive manifolds for real-time high-dimensional filtering” by Gastal and Oliveira

2012 Technical Paper: Ragan-Kelley_Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines

“Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image processing pipelines” by Ragan-Kelley, Adams, Paris, Levoy, Amarasinghe, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Yuksel_Stitch Meshes for Modeling Knitted Clothing with Yarn-level Detail

“Stitch meshes for modeling knitted clothing with yarn-level detail” by Yuksel, Kaldor, James and Marschner

2012 Technical Paper: Brouet_Design Preserving Garment Transfer

“Design preserving garment transfer” by Brouet, Sheffer, Boissieux and Cani

2012 Technical Paper: Guan_DRAPE: DRessing Any PErson

“DRAPE: DRessing Any PErson” by Guan, Reiss, Hirshberg, Weiss and Black

2012 Technical Paper: Eitz_Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval

“Sketch-based shape retrieval” by Eitz, Richter, Boubekeur, Hildebrand and Alexa

2012 Technical Paper: Ovsjanikov_Functional Maps: A Flexible Representation of Maps Between Shapes

“Functional maps: a flexible representation of maps between shapes” by Ovsjanikov, Ben-Chen, Solomon, Butscher and Guibas

2012 Technical Paper: Chen_Schelling Points on 3D Surface Meshes

“Schelling points on 3D surface meshes” by Chen, Saparov, Pang and Funkhouser

2012 Technical Paper: Levine_Continuous Character Control with Low-Dimensional Embeddings

“Continuous character control with low-dimensional embeddings” by Levine, Wang, Haraux, Popovic and Koltun

2012 Technical Paper: Vondrak_Video-based 3D Motion Capture through Biped Control

“Video-based 3D motion capture through biped control” by Vondrak, Sigal, Hodgins and Jenkins

2012 Technical Paper: Tan_Soft Body Locomotion

“Soft body locomotion” by Tan, Turk and Liu

2012 Technical Paper: Wang_Optimizing Locomotion Controllers Using Biologically-Based Actuators and Objectives

“Optimizing locomotion controllers using biologically-based actuators and objectives” by Wang, Hamner, Delp and Koltun

2012 Technical Paper: Beeler_Coupled 3D Reconstruction of Sparse Facial Hair and Skin

“Coupled 3D reconstruction of sparse facial hair and skin” by Beeler, Bickel, Noris, Beardsley, Marschner, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: Papas_Fabricating Translucent Materials using Continuous Pigment Mixtures

“Fabricating translucent materials using continuous pigment mixtures” by Papas, Regg, Jarosz, Bickel, Marschner, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: Lan_Bi-Scale Appearance Fabrication

“Bi-scale appearance fabrication” by Lan, Dong, Pellacini and Tong

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