2008 Technical Paper: Wei_Inverse Texture Synthesis

“Inverse texture synthesis” by Wei, Han, Zhou, Bao, Guo, et al. …

2008 Technical Paper: Han_Multiscale Texture Synthesis

“Multiscale texture synthesis” by Han, Risser, Ramamoorthi and Grinspun

2008 Technical Paper: Lenaerts_Porous Flow in Particle-Based Fluid Simulations

“Porous flow in particle-based fluid simulations” by Lenaerts, Adams and Dutré

2008 Technical Paper: Kim_Wavelet Turbulence for Fluid Simulation

“Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation” by Kim, Thürey, James and Gross

2008 Technical Paper: Hong_Bubbles Alive

“Bubbles alive” by Hong, Lee, Yoon and Kim

2008 Technical Paper: Wojtan_Fast Viscoelastic Behavior with Thin Features

“Fast viscoelastic behavior with thin features” by Wojtan and Turk

2008 Technical Paper: Robinson-Mosher_Two-way Coupling of Fluids to Rigid and Deformable Solids and Shells

“Two-way coupling of fluids to rigid and deformable solids and shells” by Robinson-Mosher, Shinar, Gretarsson, Su and Fedkiw

2008 Technical Paper: Dey_Computing Geometry-aware Handle and Tunnel Loops in 3D Models

“Computing geometry-aware handle and tunnel loops in 3D models” by Dey, Li, Sun and Cohen-Steiner

2008 Technical Paper: Au_Skeleton Extraction by Mesh Contraction

“Skeleton extraction by mesh contraction” by Kin-Chung Au, Tai, Chu, Cohen-Or and Lee

2008 Technical Paper: Chong_A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing

“A perception-based color space for illumination-invariant image processing” by Chong, Gortler and Zickler

2008 Technical Paper: Ramanarayanan_Perception of Complex Aggregates

“Perception of complex aggregates” by Ramanarayanan, Bala and Ferwerda

2008 Technical Paper: Glencross_A Perceptually Validated Model for Surface Depth Hallucination

“A perceptually validated model for surface depth hallucination” by Glencross, Melendez, Jay, Liu, Hubbold, et al. …

2008 Technical Paper: Fuchs_Towards Passive 6D Reflectance Field Displays

“Towards passive 6D reflectance field displays” by Fuchs, Raskar, Seidel and Lensch

2008 Technical Paper: Cossairt_Light Field Transfer: Global Illumination Between Real and Synthetic Objects

“Light field transfer: global illumination between real and synthetic objects” by Cossairt, Nayar and Ramamoorthi

2008 Technical Paper: Liang_Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition

“Programmable aperture photography: multiplexed light field acquisition” by Liang, Lin, Wong, Liu and Chen

2008 Technical Paper: Raskar_Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses

“Glare aware photography: 4D ray sampling for reducing glare effects of camera lenses” by Raskar, Agrawal, Wilson and Veeraraghavan

2008 Technical Paper: Levin_Motion-Invariant Photography

“Motion-invariant photography” by Levin, Sand, Sang Cho, Durand and Freeman

2008 Technical Paper: Hsu_Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance

“Light mixture estimation for spatially varying white balance” by Hsu, Mertens, Paris, Avidan and Durand

2012 Technical Paper: Lipman_Bounded Distortion Mapping Spaces for Triangular Meshes

“Bounded distortion mapping spaces for triangular meshes” by Lipman

2008 Technical Paper: Aydın_Dynamic Range Independent Image Quality Assessment

“Dynamic range independent image quality assessment” by Aydin, Mantiuk, Myszkowski and Seidel

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