2011 Poster Pytel Self Organized Criticality as a Method of Procedural Modeling 01

“Self-organized criticality as a method of procedural modeling” by Pytel

2011 Poster Ohlarik A Screen Space Approach to Rendering Polylines on Terrain 01

“A screen-space approach to rendering polylines on terrain” by Ohlarik and Cozzi

2011 Poster Contreras Dual Sphere Unfolding Method for Single Pass Omni directional Shadow Mapping 01

“Dual sphere-unfolding method for single pass omni-directional shadow mapping” by Contreras, Valadez and Martiınez

2011 Poster Opelt Light Field Caching 01

“Light-field caching” by Opelt and Bimber

2011 Poster Chen Embroidery Modeling and Rendering in Real Time 01

“Embroidery modeling and rendering in real time” by Chen, McCool and Kitamoto

2011 Poster Nomura Lace Curtain Modeling and Rendering of Woven Cloth Using Microfacet BSDF Production of a Catalog of Curtain Animations 01

“Lace curtain: modeling and rendering of woven cloth using microfacet BSDF: production of a catalog of curtain animations” by Nomura, Ishida, Ishigo, Okamoto, Mizushima, et al. …

2011 Poster Kohlhaase Non Photorealistic Animation and Rendering Creative Use of existing Software 01

“Non-photorealistic animation and rendering creative use of existing software” by Kohlhaase

2011 Poster Zheng Screen Space Anisotropic Blurred Soft Shadows 02

“Screen space anisotropic blurred soft shadows” by Zheng and Saito

2011 Poster Herholz Screen Space Spherical Harmonics Occlusion (S3HO) Sampling 01

“Screen space spherical harmonics occlusion (S3HO) sampling”

2011 Poster Vasilakis Z fighting aware Depth Peeling 01

“Z-fighting aware depth peeling” by Vasilakis and Fudos

2011 Poster: Bruder Real time 4D ultrasound visualization with the Voreen framework

“Real-time 4D ultrasound visualization with the Voreen framework” by Bruder, Jauer, Ernst, Richter and Schweikard

2011 Poster Tang Kinect based Augmented Reality Projection with Perspective Correction 01

“Kinect-based augmented reality projection with perspective correction”

2011 Poster Nakagaki SonalShooter A Spatial Augmented Reality System Using Handheld Directional Speaker with Camera 01

“SonalShooter: a spatial augmented reality system using handheld directional speaker with camera” by Nakagaki and Kakehi

2011 Poster Schneider Deshaking Endoscopic Video for Kymography 01

“Deshaking endoscopic video for kymography” by Schneider, Hilsmann and Eisert

2011 Poster Rothfarb Science in the City AR Using Mobile Augmented Reality for Science Inquiry Activities 01

“Science in the city AR: using mobile augmented reality for science inquiry activities” by Rothfarb

2011 Poster Takeuchi PRIMA Parallel Reality based Interactive Motion Area 01

“PRIMA: parallel reality-based interactive motion area” by Takeuchi, Nakashima, Nishimura and Hirose

2011 Poster Okura Fly through Heijo Palace Site Augmented Telepresence Using Aerial Omnidirectional Videos 01

“Fly-through Heijo palace site: augmented telepresence using aerial omnidirectional videos” by Okura, Kanbara and Yokoya

2011 Poster Leiva Revisiting the K means Algorithm for Fast Trajectory Segmentation 01

“Revisiting the k-means algorithm for fast trajectory segmentation” by Leiva and Vidal

2011 Poster Choi Strata Treemaps 02

“Strata treemaps” by Choi, Kwon and Lee

2011 Poster Akasaka Protoviewer a web based visual design environment for Protovis 01

“Protoviewer: a web-based visual design environment for Protovis” by Akasaka

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