“Embroidery modeling and rendering in real time” by Chen, McCool and Kitamoto

  • ©Xinling Chen, Michael D. McCool, and Asanobu Kitamoto

  • ©Xinling Chen, Michael D. McCool, and Asanobu Kitamoto




    Embroidery modeling and rendering in real time



    Many non-photorealistic rendering algorithms have been developed recently that simulate different traditional artistic styles including painting, mosaics, and stippling. However, there is at least onemore traditional approach to rendering images non-photorealistically: embroidery. Embroidery creates images by stitching threads of different colours into a base cloth. In free hand embroidery, many different stitch styles are possible and stitches can be placed relatively freely on the surface.


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    5. Mallo, O., Peikert, R., Sigg, C., and Sadlo, F. 2005. Illuminated lines revisited. In IEEE Visualization Conference, 19–26.
    6. Secord, A. 2002. Weighted Voronoi stippling. In Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering, ACM, NPAR ’02, 37–43.

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©Xinling Chen, Michael D. McCool, and Asanobu Kitamoto

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