“Screen space anisotropic blurred soft shadows” by Zheng and Saito

  • ©Zhongxiang Zheng and Suguru Saito

  • ©Zhongxiang Zheng and Suguru Saito




    Screen space anisotropic blurred soft shadows



    Generating soft shadows by area light sources is important for rendering a realistic scene in computer graphics. One of the methods for real time rendering of soft shadows is Screen-space percentage-closer soft shadows(SSPCSS)[MohammadBagher et al. 2010] which improved the performance of PCSS[Fernando 2005] when the light source is large, by using separable Gaussian filtering in screen space. However, SSPCSS does not consider the angle between a normal vector of a shadowed surface and a viewing vector. Therefore, it causes different soft shadows by viewpoints. Our algorithm solves this problem by using anisotropic Gaussian blurs which depend on the normal vectors of the surfaces (Fig. 1).


    1. Fernando, R. 2005. Percentage-closer soft shadows. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches, ACM, New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH ’05.
    2. MohammadBagher, M., Kautz, J., Holzschuch, N., and Soler, C. 2010. Screen-space percentage-closer soft shadows. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Posters, ACM, New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH ’10, 133:1–133:1.
    3. Pham, T., and Van Vliet, L. 2005. Separable bilateral filtering for fast video preprocessing. In Multimedia and Expo, 2005. ICME 2005. IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, 4.

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©Zhongxiang Zheng and Suguru Saito ©Zhongxiang Zheng and Suguru Saito

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