“PRIMA: parallel reality-based interactive motion area” by Takeuchi, Nakashima, Nishimura and Hirose

  • ©Toshiki Takeuchi, Totaro Nakashima, Kunihiro Nishimura, and Michitaka Hirose

  • ©Toshiki Takeuchi, Totaro Nakashima, Kunihiro Nishimura, and Michitaka Hirose




    PRIMA: parallel reality-based interactive motion area



    It is interesting to superimpose scenes in another time at the same place over the real scene in real time simultaneously using virtual reality technologies. We call it as “Parallel Reality.” Parallel Reality can connect different time at the same space and augment both scenes, while Telexistence technology can connect different spaces. You can interact with yourself and/or others in the past time at the same place. “Another Time, Another Space”[1] is a media art which shows real time video with effects of time axis taken by a camera of the artwork. We can enjoy video effects of time axis because it takes real world and add effects in real-time. We came up the idea from this artwork. The concept of this study is to propose a system to provide interactions between a person in real-time world and other persons in past time at the same place. In terms of connecting different time, “Computational rephotography”[2] that connect viewpoints of both past and current photos, is one of Parallel Reality technologies. The concept of our system presents us more immersive and curious experiences. Using our system, for example, unusual games can be made that plays it with past players, or creates enemies from people in the real world.


    1. Iwai, T. 1993. Another Time, Another Space.
    2. Bae, S., Agarwala, A., and Durand F. 2010. Computational rephotography. ACM Trans. Graph., Vol.29, pp.24:1–15.
    3. Wilson, A. D., and Benko, H. 2010. Combining multiple depth cameras and projectors for interactions on, above and between surfaces. Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, pp.273–282.

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©Toshiki Takeuchi, Totaro Nakashima, Kunihiro Nishimura, and Michitaka Hirose ©Toshiki Takeuchi, Totaro Nakashima, Kunihiro Nishimura, and Michitaka Hirose

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