2019 Poster 68 Derouet Jourdan_Efficient Mask Expansion for Green Screen Keying

“Efficient Mask Expansion for Green-Screen Keying using Color Distributions” by Derouet-Jourdan, Salvati, Xing and Nishikawa

2019 Poster 69 Shih_Interactive Cinematic Scientific Visualization

“Interactive Cinematic Scientific Visualization in Unity” by Shih, Borkiewicz, Christensen and Cox

2019 Poster 70 Phogat_Skinning Vector Graphics

“Skinning Vector Graphics with GANs” by Phogat, Fisher, Kaufman and Batra

2019 Poster 71 Amano_Visual Simulation of Ice and Frost

“Visual Simulation of Ice and Frost with Sketch Input” by Amano and Itoh

2019 Poster 72 Robinson_Voxel Printing

“Voxel Printing using Procedural Art-Directable Technologies” by Robinson and Furneaux

2019 Poster 73 Galindo_A Dataset for Benchmarking

“A Dataset for Benchmarking Time-Resolved Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging” by Galindo, Wetzstein, Marco, Gutierrez, O’Toole, et al. …

2019 Poster 80 Wang_Convergent Turbulence Refinement

“Convergent Turbulence Refinement toward Irrotational Vortex” by Wang, Liu, Ban, Xu, Zhou, et al. …

2019 Poster 81 176 Subramanian_Delaunay Lofts

“Delaunay Lofts: A New Class of Space-Filling Shapes” by Subramanian, Krishnamurthy, Eng and Akleman

2019 Poster 85 Hsiah Effectiveness of Facial Animated Avatar and Voice 01

“Effectiveness of Facial Animated Avatar and Voice Transformer in eLearning Programming Course” by Hsieh, Shirai and Sato

2019 Poster 83 Mehmood_Enhancement of CT images

“Enhancement of CT Images for Visualization” by Mehmood, Khan, Dawood and Dawood

2019 Poster 87 Naitsat_Multi Resolution 01 Approach to Computing

“Multi-Resolution Approach to Computing Locally Injective Maps on Meshes” by Naitsat and Zeevi

2019 Poster 88 Ke_Noise Reduction with Image Inpainting

“Noise Reduction with Image Inpainting: An Application in Clinical Data Diagnosis” by Ke, Deng and Lu

2019 Poster 89 Ratto_OceanGAN

“OceanGAN: A Deep Learning Alternative to Physics-Based Ocean Rendering” by Ratto, Szeto, Slocum and Del Bene

2019 Poster 92 Ma_Real time Structure Aware Color Stippling

“Real-time Structure Aware Color Stippling” by Ma, Deng, Wang, Chen and Boubekeur

2019 Poster 96 Kalshetti_Unsupervised Incremental Learning

“Unsupervised Incremental Learning for Hand Shape and Pose Estimation” by Kalshetti and Chaudhuri

2019 Poster 97 Tomori_VFX Fractal Toolkit

“VFX Fractal Toolkit: Integrating Fractals into VFX Pipeline” by Tomori

2002 Poster Murnane: Learning from Human-Robot Interactions in Modeled Scenes

“Learning From Human-Robot Interactions in Modeled Scenes” by Murnane, Breitmeyer, Matuszek and Ferraro

SIGGRAPH 2019: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2019: Posters

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