2002 Poster Tabata: Automatic Layout Generation for Graphical Design Magazines

“Automatic Layout Generation for Graphical Design Magazines” by Tabata and Maeda

SIGGRAPH 2015: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2015: Posters

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interactive Virtual Reality Orchestral Music” by Zhang, Tao, Shen and Clayton

SIGGRAPH 2016: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2016: Posters

2002 Poster Huang: Pieces of the Past, Maya Treasure Hunt

“Pieces of the Past, Maya Treasure Hunt A Virtual Reality Game Experience” by Huang

2002 Poster Way: Glove Puppetry Cloud Theater Through a Virtual Reality Network

“Glove Puppetry Cloud Theater Through a Virtual Reality Network” by Way, Lau and Huang

SIGGRAPH 2017: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2017: Posters

2019 Poster 21 Dhuanuka_Vector Based Glyph Style Transfer

“Vector Based Glyph Style Transfer” by Dhanuka, Kumawat and Jindal

2019 Poster 28 Matuszka_HeroMirror Interactive

“HeroMirror Interactive: A Gesture Controlled Augmented Reality Gaming Experience” by Matuszka, Czuczor and Sóstai

2019 Poster 32 Maki_3D Aerial Display

“Aerial Display with Micro Mirror Array Plate and Reversed Depth Integral Photography” by Maki, Yamanouchi and Yanaka

2019 Poster 36 Zhong_DiCE

“DiCE: Dichoptic Contrast Enhancement for Binocular Displays” by Zhong, Banks, Koulieris, Chambe, Mantiuk, et al. …

2002 Poster Zhang: Interactive Spatial Augmented Reality System for Chinese Opera

“IR Surface Reflectance Estimation and Material Type Recognition using Two-stream Net and Kinect Camera” by Lee, Lim, Ahn and Lee

2019 Poster 50 Podee_Temporal and Spatial Anti Aliasing

“Temporal and Spatial Anti-Aliasing for Rendering Reflection on a Water Surface” by Podee, Iwasaki, Max and Dobashi

SIGGRAPH 2018: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2018: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2020: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2020: Posters

2019 Poster 61 Shitara_Reconsideration of Ouija Board Motion

“Reconsideration of Ouija Board Motion in Terms of Haptic Illusions (IV): Effect of Haptic Cue and Another Player” by Shitara, Yem and Kajimoto

2019 Poster 65 Duvall_Compositing Light field Video

“Wearable Soft Pneumatic Ring with Multi-Mode Controlling for Rich Haptic Effects” by Talhan, Kim and Jeon

2019 Poster 66 Kramer_A Procedural Approach to Creating Second Empire Houses

“A Procedural Approach to Creating Second Empire Houses” by Kramer and Akleman

2019 Poster 65 Duvall_Compositing Light field Video

“Compositing Light field Video Using Multiplane Images” by DuVall, Broxton, Flynn and Debevec

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