“HeroMirror Interactive: A Gesture Controlled Augmented Reality Gaming Experience” by Matuszka, Czuczor and Sóstai

  • ©Tamás Matuszka, Ferenc Czuczor, and Zoltán Sóstai



Entry Number: 28


    HeroMirror Interactive: A Gesture Controlled Augmented Reality Gaming Experience



    Appropriately chosen user interfaces are essential parts of immersive augmented reality experiences. Regular user interfaces cannot be efficiently used for interactive, real-time augmented reality applications. In this study, a gesture controlled educational gaming experience is described where gesture recognition relies on deep learning methods. Our implementation is able to replace a depth-camera based gesture recognition system using conventional camera while ensuring the same level of recognition accuracy.


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    The authors would like to thank Márton Helényi for animation development, Norbert Kovács for user interaction recommendations, and Dániel Siket for reference image creation. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions.


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