“Aerial Display with Micro Mirror Array Plate and Reversed Depth Integral Photography” by Maki, Yamanouchi and Yanaka

  • ©Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, and Kazuhisa Yanaka

  • ©Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, and Kazuhisa Yanaka

  • ©Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, and Kazuhisa Yanaka



Entry Number: 32


    Aerial Display with Micro Mirror Array Plate and Reversed Depth Integral Photography



    We propose a new aerial imaging display in which autostereoscopic objects with horizontal and vertical parallax appear as if they are floating in the air. This system operates by displaying an integral photography image in which depth is reversed beforehand and by observing the image from the other side of a micro mirror array.


    • Kengo Fujii, Kazuki Shimose, Clément Trovato, Masao Nakajima, Toru Iwane, Masaki Yasugi, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto. 2018. A Device for Reconstructing Light Field Data As 3D Aerial Image by Retro-reflection. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters (SA ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 75, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3283289. 3283359
    • Seth Hunter, Ron Azuma, Jonathan Moisant-Thompson, Dave MacLeod, and Derek Disanjh. 2017. Mid-air Interaction with a 3D Aerial Display. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 17, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3084822.3084827
    • Askanet Co. Ltd. 2018. ASKA3D. https://aska3d.com/en/contact.php
    • Kazuhisa Yanaka. 2008. Integral photography using hexagonal fly’s eye lens and fractional view. In Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX, Vol. 6803. SPIE. https:


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©Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, and Kazuhisa Yanaka ©Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, and Kazuhisa Yanaka


    This research was supported by Inamori Foundation.


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