1998 Course Cover 12 Introduction to Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Bailey, Glassner, Lathrop and Wenner

1998 Course Cover 11 Advanced RenderMan Beyond the Companion

“Advanced RenderMan: Beyond the Companion” by Apodaca, Barzel, Gritz, Durr and Johnston

1998 Course Cover 10 Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation

“Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation” by Funge

1998 Course Cover 9 Fundamentals of Video Compression Techniques

“Fundamentals of Video Compression Techniques” by Daniel

1998 Course Cover 8 Theory and Practice of Tour into the Picture

“Theory and Practice of “Tour Into the Picture”” by Anjyo and Horry

1998 Course Cover 7 A Visual Introduction to OpenGL Programming

“A Visual Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Woo and Shreiner

1998 Course Cover 6 From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets

“From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets” by Gomes and Velho

1998 Course Cover 5 A Basic Guide to Global Illumination

“A Basic Guide to Global Illumination” by Rushmeier, Banks and Shirley

1998 Course Cover 4 Advanced Geometric Techniques for Ray Casting Volumes

“Advanced Geometric Techniques for Ray Casting Volumes” by Grzeszczuk, Henn and Yagel

1998 Course Cover 3 Parallel and Distributed Photo Realistic Rendering

“Parallel and Distributed Photo-Realistic Rendering” by Chalmers and Reinhard

1998 Course Cover 2 Exploring Gigabyte Data Sets in Real Time Algorithms Data Management and Time Critical Design

“Exploring Gigabyte Data Sets in Real Time: Algorithms, Data Management and Time-Critical Design” by Bryson, Cox and Haimes

1998 Course Cover 1 Physical Interaction The Nuts and Bolts of Using Touch Interfaces with Computer Graphics Applications

“Physical Interaction: The Nuts and Bolts of Using Touch Interfaces with Computer Graphics Applications” by Avila, Coill, Massie, Salisbury and Taylor

1985 27 Course Cover Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications

“Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications” Chaired by David J. Kasik

1985 26 Course Cover Introduction to Image Processing

“Introduction to Image Processing” Chaired by

1985 25 Course Cover Quadtrees, Octrees and Related Hierarchical Data Structures

“Quadtrees, Octrees and Related Hierarchical Data Structures” Chaired by

1985 24 Course Cover Computer Animation Using Video Techniques

“Computer Animation Using Video Techniques” Chaired by Ed Kramer

1985 23 Course Cover Aesthetic Issues in Computer Graphic Art for Mass Media

“Aesthetic Issues in Computer Graphic Art for Mass Media” Chaired by

1985 22 Course Cover Today's Problemsolvers Graphics Workstations

“Today’s Problemsolvers Graphics Workstations” Chaired by

1985 21 Course Cover Computer Graphics for Designers and Artists

“Computer Graphics for Designers and Artists” Chaired by

1985 19 Course Cover Advanced Topics in Solid Modeling

“Advanced Topics in Solid Modeling” Chaired by

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