“Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation” by Funge

  • ©John Funge



Entry Number: 10


    Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation

Course Organizer(s):



    This tutorial was self-contained, but a degree of mathematical maturity was assumed. A big advantage: knowledge of programming, computer games, computer animation, or AI.

    Topics Covered
    The situation calculus, logic programming, possible worlds semantics, using interval arithmetic to handle uncertainty, non-deterministic specification of programs, and logical approaches to control.

    Using ideas and techniques from cognitive robotics that are completely new to the computer graphics community, this tutorial imparted a basic understanding of the key issues associated with building intelligent characters for computer games and animation. In particular, within the concrete and intuitive framework of the situation calculus, it provided an in-depth survey of solutions to important knowledge-representation problems that arise in computer games and animation. It then proceeded to more advanced topics such as incorporating sensing, planning, and reactive behaviors. The tutorial concluded with a detailed look at new work on problems in cinematography, computer games, and behavioral animation.

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: