“Advanced Geometric Techniques for Ray Casting Volumes” by Grzeszczuk, Henn and Yagel

  • ©Radek Grzeszczuk, Chris Henn, and Roni Yagel



Entry Number: 04


    Advanced Geometric Techniques for Ray Casting Volumes

Course Organizer(s):



    Familiarity with fundamentals of 3D computer graphics, basic volume visualization techniques (ray casting), basic programming skills, and working knowledge of OpenGL with an emphasis on texture mapping.

    Topics Covered
    Advanced volume rendering techniques using hardware acceleration accessible through OpenGL, disassociation of volume appearance and geometry, tetrahedral primitives, polygonization, bricking, mixing volumetric and polygonal shapes, multiple volumes, shading, deformations, clipping, unstructured grids, and performance tips.

    Hardware-assisted volume rendering techniques for solving common practical problems in geo-science, medical, and scientific applications. The course introduced a framework that unifies treatment of volumes and geometry by employing a highly flexible tetrahedral decomposition of volumetric shapes. It then presented effective techniques for handling such commonly occurring tasks as: deforming volumes, defining arbitrarily shaped regions of interest, clipping to non-planar surfaces, rendering multiple volumes, hardware-assisted shading, unstructured grids, and large data set roaming.

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

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