“Advanced data visualization on 3D accelerated PDA’s” by Quinn

  • ©Greg Quinn




    Advanced data visualization on 3D accelerated PDA's



    We present here an earth data visualization application, EarthSym, based on a program originally written by Ohad Eder Pressman for the PC (http://ohad.visuali.com/exper/exper.htm), that is written for deployment on the Dell Axim x50v, and the Pocket PC operating system (OS). The application leverages the hardware accelerated 3D graphics rendering capability found in the x50v, one of the latest breed of high resolution PDA’s and cellular devices coming to market with graphics acceleration. It provides the geographic researcher, students and teachers with a new tool to access and visualize GIS-based data in the field or the classroom with the interactive rendering responsiveness hitherto associated with a desktop or laptop computer. Although this particular application targets the earth sciences domain, the programming procedures and hardware capabilities utilized here can be readily be applied to target data presentation to other disciplines, for example protein structure visualization and medical volume data rendering in 3D.

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