“A Visual Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Woo and Shreiner

  • ©Mason Woo and Dave Shreiner



Entry Number: 07


    A Visual Introduction to OpenGL Programming

Course Organizer(s):



    Ability to program in a structured programming language such as C, C++, or Java and familiarity with mathematical concepts such as matrix multiplication, trigonometry, cross products, and dot products. Knowledge of transformations, lighting, and texturing helpful. This course assumed no prior knowledge of OpenGL programming.

    Topics Covered
    The syntax and structure of the OpenGL API for writing programs that render 2D and 3D, transformed, lit, shaded, textured geometric objects with hidden surfaces removed. Underlying mathematical principles for a graphics rendering library were also discussed.

    An introduction to writing interactive graphics programs using the OpenGL API. Instead of snippets of code and static, captured images, this course featured interactive tools to visualize and experiment with computer graphics concepts, such as transformations, lighting, and texture mapping. Detailed explanations focused on controlling the position and movement of the camera, the light sources, and objects in a scene. The effects of changing the order of modeling transformations (and their associated matrices) were discussed and visually demonstrated.

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: