“A Visual Effects Galaxy” by Smolin, Hogarth, Kennel, Smith, Prescott, et al. …

  • ©Jill Smolin, Pam Hogarth, Glenn Kennel, Tom Smith, David Prescott, David Morehead, Jon Alexander, Tim Alexander, Susan Kelly Andrews, Rod G. Bogart, Carl Frederick, Jack Mongovan, Scott Singer, Brian M. Rosen, and Harrison Ellenshaw


    Visual effects are many things to many people. At their most visible, they are the explosion at the apex of a chase scene; a space cruiser doing battle with a starship; a shopkeeper, shot by filmic bullets, rising from his stupor as the leader of an alien universe. But most of the time, visual effects are not noticeable as effects. They are dust at the end of a broom or bubbles at the tail of a submarine. And visual effects are what you don’t see: They are telephone poles and cables removed because they didn’t exist in the 17th century; skyscrapers replaced by mountain ranges; the hero’s eyes changed from blue to green. In a comprehensive survey of the visual effects industry, this course zeroes in on specific techniques and processes from seven ground-breaking films of 1998-1999, each presented by a notable contributor to that production. The sum of these presentations is an in-depth, technical view of the past, present, and future of this extraordinary industry.  


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: