2001 01 Course Cover The Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graph

“The Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graphics” by Ellis and Simons

2000 45 Course Cover The Technology of Digital Cinema D cinema

“The Technology of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)” by Lasky, Poynton, Galt, Kerlow, Schnuelle, et al. …

2000 44 Course Cover Image Quality Metrics

“Image Quality Metrics” by Chalmers, McNamara, Troscianko, Daly and Myszkowski

2000 43 Course Cover Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics

“Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics” by Barad, Macri, Pallister, Haines and Möller

2000 42 Course Cover Developing Shared Virtual Environments

“Developing Shared Virtual Environments” by Capps, Bernier, Geenhalgh, Sandvig, Schell, et al. …

2000 41 Course Cover Advanced Issues in Level of Detail

“Advanced Issues in Level of Detail” by Varshney, Luebke, Cohen, Reddy and Watson

2000 40 Course Cover Advanced RenderMan 2 To RI INFINITY and Beyond

“Advanced RenderMan 2: To RI_INFINITY and Beyond” by Gritz, Apodaca, Prater, Bredow and Lancaster

2000 39 Course Cover Games Research the Science of Interactive Entertainment

“Games Research: The Science of Interactive Entertainment” by Reynolds, Hecker, Blow, Funge, Green, et al. …

2000 38 Course Cover 3D Geometry Compression

“3D Geometry Compression” by Taubin, Deering, Gotsman, Gumhold and Rossignac

2000 37 Course Cover Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

“Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Edwards, Firmin, Kolitsky, Molloy and Thiele

2000 36 Course Cover 3D User Interface Design Fundamental Techniques Theory and Practice

“3D User Interface Design: Fundamental Techniques, Theory, and Practice” by Bowman, Kruijff, LaViola, Mine and Poupyrev

2000 35 Course Cover Image Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting

“Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting” by Debevec, Bregler, Cohen, Szeliski, McMillan, et al. …

2000 34 Course Cover The Convergence of Scientific Visualization Methods with the World Wide Web

“The Convergence of Scientific Visualization Methods with the World Wide Web” by Rhyne, Botts, Hibbard and Treinish

2000 33 Course Cover Animating Humans by Combining Simulation and Motion Capture

“Animating Humans by Combining Simulation and Motion Capture” by Hodgins, Popovic, Pandy, Playter, Pollard, et al. …

2000 32 Course Cover Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL

“Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL” by Blythe, McReynolds, Grantham and Nelson

2000 31 Course Cover Geometric Algebra New Foundations New Insights

“Geometric Algebra: New Foundations, New Insights” by Naeve, Rockwood, Doran, Lasenby, Dorst, et al. …

2000 30 Course Cover Practical Parallel Processing for Realistic Rendering

“Practical Parallel Processing for Realistic Rendering” by Davis, Chalmers and Jensen

2000 29 Course Cover Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API

“Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API” by Burkhalter

2000 28 Course Cover Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics

“Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Supporting Collaboration” by Rhyne, Barton, Brutzman, Day and Macedonia

2000 27 Course Cover Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware

“Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware” by Olano, Hart, Heidrich, McCool, Mark, et al. …

1 35 36 37 38 39 68