2002 07 Course Cover Introducing X3D

“Introducing X3D” by Daly, Polys, Brutzman and Williams

2002 06 Course Cover Human Centered Processes in Virtual Environments

“Human-Centered Processes in Virtual Environments: Methodologies and Real-Life Case Studies” by Stone and Clark

2002 05 Course Cover Image Based Lighting

“Image-Based Lighting” by Debevec, Fong, Inakage and Lemmon

2002 04 Course Cover Multidimensional Visualization with Applications to Multivariate Problems

“Multidimensional Visualization With Applications to Multivariate Problems” by Inselberg

2002 03 Course Cover Developing Efficient Graphics Software

“Developing Efficient Graphics Software” by Cok and True

2002 02 Course Cover Advanced Global Illumination

“Advanced Global Illumination” by Dutré, Bala and Bekaert

2002 01 Course Cover Mathematics and Physics for Coding Motion and Interactivity in Web Graphics

“Mathematics and Physics for Coding Motion and Interactivity in Web Graphics” by Mohler and Kothary

2001 54 Course Cover An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

“An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Shreiner, Shreiner and Angel

2001 53 Course Cover Geometric Algebra

“Geometric Algebra” by Naeve, Rockwood, Doran, Lasenby, Dorst, et al. …

2001 52 Course Cover DirectX 8 Graphics

“DirectX 8 Graphics” by Taylor, Boyd and Gosalia

2001 51 Course Cover Making Motion Capture Useful

“Making Motion Capture Useful” by Gleicher, Ferrier, Gardner, Shin, Tolles, et al. …

2001 50 Course Cover Digital Geometry Processing

“Digital Geometry Processing” by Schröder, Sweldens, Curless, Guskov and Zorin

2001 49 Course Cover Image Processing for Volume Graphics

“Image Processing for Volume Graphics” by Yoo, Machiraju, Gerig, Kakadiaris, Moeller, et al. …

2001 48 Course Cover Advanced RenderMan 3

“Advanced RenderMan 3” by Gritz, Apodaca, Bjorke, Pharr, Hery, et al. …

2001 47 Course Cover Simulating Nature Realistic and Interactive Techniques

“Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques” by Ebert, Fedkiw, Musgrave, Prusinkiewicz, Stam, et al. …

2001 46 Course Cover Acquisition and Visualization of Surface Light Fields

“Acquisition and Visualization of Surface Light Fields” by Grzeszczuk, Bouguet, McMillan, Pfister, Pollefeys, et al. …

2001 45 Course Cover Advanced Issues in Level of Detail

“Advanced Issues in Level of Detail” by Luebke, Cohen, Reddy, Varshney and Watson

2001 44 Course Cover Advanced Topics in 3D User Interface Design

“Advanced Topics in 3D User Interface Design” by Bowman, Mine, LaViola and Poupyrev

2001 43 Course Cover Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics

“Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics” by Klimovitski, Barad, Macri, Pallister and Haines

2001 42 Course Cover Seeing in 3D

“Seeing in 3D” by Wyvill and Parslow

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